Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Post Halloween Party Post

So we went to a party in Virginia Beach which was just like any other drunken Saturday night with these attendees, except people had costumes.
Kitty was an undead person...

I was celebrating Dia de los Muertos...

Close up of Kitty's eye makeup.
Note the spooky veining.

Random party shots.

At some point I thought I'd do my "Hamlet"...might have been the vodka's idea.

Let it never be said that Catholics don't know how to funk it up for Halloween.

Besties featuring Space Kitty and, well, Cindy

The obligatory PHOTOBOMB!

Assembled psychos...I don't remember who came as a dog...


  1. Replies
    1. I can dig it, mate. This often happens to me as well. The best way to get over it is to be fully immersed in monsterdom. Call me crazy, but the world in my head is pretty much Halloween 89% of the time only in that the things that become prevalent during Halloween are just what I usually think about.
