Sunday, October 21, 2018

Pumpkin Heads

Kroger has pumpkin masks.  Or jack o lantern masks, I suppose.  
There is something not cool at the mesh that lets me see the camera.  And you, friends.  I see you seeing me seeing you seeing me.
Here's the friendly soft version.  This thing fully covers the head and seems quite friendly, yet it did not stop a small girl from swerving in fear of me.
A pumpkin in a polo shirt is not scary, young lady.
Pay no attention to the tag resting atop my gourd!
Now here's the spookier option.  It has EL wire framing the eyes and mouth that you absolutely cannot see in the bright lights of the store.
I suspect it would be truly awesome in a very dark space.  Or at least a reasonably dark space.

I'm sorely tempted to purchase the spooky light-up version, but how many times is too many times to be a killer pumpkin man?

Yeah, I don't think there is such a thing either.

Keep your pumpkin masks lit, friends.


  1. Second one is definitely better. The mesh thing on the first one ruins it.

  2. Really love them, especially the second one.
