Today in Chesapeake it seemed like Fall was on its way in. The temperature did not rise above 75 degrees Fahrenheit anywhere I went, there was a mild breeze and bright skies. After a pleasant trip about town, including a trip to the Macdonald Garden Center, where their Autumnal offerings were somewhat Spartan, I entered the attic to bring down the decorations.
The attic is a bloody oven. A mild 75 outside it may be, but stand in the attic for about one minute and sweat begins to drip from every pore.
I'm saying it is hot. Summer beach hot.
But I got them down. Boxes upon boxes and bags and things that don't fit into either.
Then I thought I'd try New Belgium's seasonal Pumpkick ale, as I had never tried it before.
I am failing to detect the notes of cranberry or the spices the label boldly claims are in this ale. While not bad as an ale, I don't enjoy it enough to make it my seasonal brew. I'm not loving it, you could say.
Pic property of New Belgium brewing |
The reviews from two online sites, one of which is Beer Advocate, give Pumpkick a definate OKAY. Most reviewers describe it in glowing terms of "nothing special" and I agree. I did so love Jack's Pumpkin Spice Ale from AB, and sadly that is gone never to return as far as anyone knows. The label intrigues, and that is cool but one must taste a beer to know if it is worth the bucks. I would not invest in a six pack of Pumpkick. Beer packaging is an art form all its own these days with microbrews competing in areas aside from taste and price, indeed with the price point of microbrews being well above the price point of old standbys like Miller or PBR, the point of which seems to be to get drunk, the microbrews and craft beers are an overall drinking experience and much as a beer ad for Miller 64 seems to be selling a lifestyle, craft and micros seem to be selling an indie experience in alcoholic potables. I wanted to say potation, but that is not a word. Unless we all start using it and then it can be a word. Join with me, won't you, in making potation a word.* That said, the label does a decent job of attracting attention and indeed it did so with me. It made me read it, and it was then that I noticed it was a pumpkin ale with spices and cranberries. So I did not purchase said ale for the label (I have in the past, I admit it) but the label did make me look twice at the ale.
I did have a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks for breakfast, however, so at least something upheld its claims.
I potate
You potate
He/She/It potates
We potate
You (pl) potate
They potate
First person singular past- potated
Future Perfect- I will have potated this beer by the time you read this post.
For my money, Blue Moon's Pumpkin Ale is the best.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I've had Blue Moon's Pumpkin Ale before. I shall give it a try.